Discover the full potential of your car with custom dyno tuning in Sydney. We can maximise the performance of your existing vehicle by simply improving the behaviour of the computer, or enhance your vehicle with one of many bolt on options. With intake systems, exhaust packages, turbo-charging, supercharging, custom engine builds, after market engine management systems among others we can deliver as much power as you want.
With our in-house Dynapack™ Dyno we can make sure you are getting the most out of your existing or new package by fine tuning to suit the modifications you have.
We can adjust your current Electronic Control Unit (ECU) or we are specialists in the installation and tuning of after-mark programmable ECUs, including Motec, Haltech & Adaptronic enabling you to take a big step forward in your ability to control your engine performance.
With in excess of 20 years experience in Programmable Engine Management we can find your problem and get your car running just right.
Our Dyno
Dynapack™ has delivered a world leading technology to the automotive industry over the last 14 years. A radical departure from stereotypical rollers, Dynapack™ is Best in Class for control, sensitivity and repeatability. The Hub dyno connects directly to the wheel hubs, and is therefore far superior to roller dyno’s as there is no wheel slip whilst tuning, therefore enables higher precision delivering more power & torque.
How it works
The wheels are removed from the vehicle. A variable fit hub adaptor is bolted to the vehicle axle, and is then directly attached to a hydraulic absorption unit. This enables the unit to apply a variable but precise load to the axle(s) of the vehicle.
Simultaneously, the system is monitoring pressures and measuring hub RPM, so we can determine the amount of work being performed. It sounds easy until you realize that all of these calculations are very complex and are happening very quickly. Add to this, all of the data logging functions and real-time full-color graphics that are also being calculated and you begin to realize that what appears to be simple is actually very complex…being the best is never easy.
Traditionally, most engine builders have thought that chassis dynamometers were inferior to the results you could obtain from a quality engine dyno. We have effectively attached engine dyno style load cells to the axles, so we now have the type of precision and repeatability normally associated with an engine dyno, but with the convenience and benefit of having the engine operate in its natural environment – which has enabled many customers to see superior results to what they were getting on their engine dyno.
Because we need a precise and powerful loading device, we use hydraulics. We do not use inertia, we do not use eddy currents, air, or friction. Because of the incredible holding power hydraulics offer, we have TOTAL control of the axle speed.
Want to hold a steady RPM under high power? We can hold an exact axle RPM (+/- one RPM) at any power level – all the way up to the full maximum rated torque capacity of the dyno, CONTINUOUSLY – for as long as you like. If the software allowed it, we could stop the engine within one revolution of the axle – even if the engine is at full throttle at its maximum torque level. Obviously you would not want to do this, and our software prevents it, but it does give you an idea of just how much power and control we have over the axle speed.
The dyno controls the car – not the other way around. We control the axle speed and rate of acceleration at all times, it allows you to see exactly what the vehicle is doing at any given point in time and RPM of the completed run. Because we aren’t limited by the capabilities of eddy current brakes and similar devices, we open up a whole new world of tuning possibilities. Times change and technology evolves. What was once “industry standard” is now yesterday’s technology. The Dynapack is the most technologically advanced chassis dynamometer currently available.

One of the biggest assets of the Dynapack™ system is its ability to conduct multiple runs back to back and provide amazing levels of repeatability.
- The lack of inertia in the Dynapack™ system allows the sensitivity to be greatly improved over traditional dynamometers. We can reliably measure minute differences
- Just some examples of our testing include:
- 010” change in a spark plug gap.
- Differences between different fluids in the engine and driveline.
- See the alternator load when the headlights are turned on.
What makes the difference?
The first and most obvious difference is the elimination of the tire to roller interface on a conventional roller dyno.
The Dynapack™ eliminates this variable by using a hub adapter that provides a direct coupling to our Power Absorption Units. There can be no tire slip, no rolling resistance, and no chance of the vehicle coming off of the dyno at high speeds. Notice that we call this a variable. Sometimes it may be a problem area, other times it may not. Tire temperature, pressure, traction, etc, are all variables that can change – not only from run to run, but during the run as well.
When you add unknown variables like these into the equation, your data has become subject to a potentially high margin of error. It is obviously better if these variables are eliminated – which is exactly what DynaPack have done. There are other problems associated with a roller method as well. The tie-down straps, for example, are usually ratchet type tie-down straps which attempt to hold the vehicle in position while being tested. If the straps are cinched down tightly, the tire becomes loaded unevenly and in an unpredictable manner. While this may be good for enhancing traction, it changes the rolling resistance of the tire – skewing the data.
Since these tie-down straps aren’t perfect or even, the vehicle squirms around on the rollers – dramatically changing the tire drag during the run. If the vehicle is tested in two different sessions, the straps can’t be set exactly the same way twice in a row. Again, the data will be inconsistent. We have heard of cases where the ratcheting tie-down straps were loosened by two clicks and the measured power increased by ten horsepower. What if the straps stretch – either from run to run, or during the run itself? With a hub dyno, these variables do not come into play.
Another major difference is the effect of inertia. Street wheels and tires spinning at high RPM create a large amount of inertia. A large steel roller drum spinning at the same ground speed has much more inertia. What you end up with is the effect of a giant, heavy flywheel attached to your engine. The inertia is such that just trying to accelerate the mass of the roller is a substantial load on the engine. That is the principle that some roller dyno’s (or ìinertia dyno’s as they are also called) operate on. Accelerate a known mass to a measured speed over a given time and it can be calculated to equal a certain amount of power.
There is nothing wrong with this theory, but like many theories, its application in the real world can be troublesome. How are your measurements effected by being subjected to this large heavy flywheel phenomenon? Will small fluctuations be noticeable? In a word, no, the flywheel effect tends to take small rapid variations and smooth them right out – as energy that should be going into the dyno is being wasted trying to accelerate a large lump of steel. This is great if you want your power curve to look like a simple smooth line, but it doesn’t give you much insight into what is actually occurring. What happens if you eliminated this flywheel effect? The inertia of a Dynapack is practically zero.
This allows us to precisely measure and display tiny rapid pulses and oddities that you may not have seen before. Now you have a window into areas that no roller dyno will allow you to access. Another sma mrt benefit of having virtually zero inertia is the ability to change the rate of acceleration at will. In many situations, you may want to accelerate the vehicle at a different rate to simulate a specific condition.
With a few simple keystrokes, we allow you to make the vehicle accelerate very quickly, slowly, or anywhere in between. Because of the lack of inertia, and total control of the engine speed, Dynapack provides more choices in set up – and as you know, choices are good!
We are able to tune your Formula Vee motor before it goes into the car to save time and allow easy access for tuning. This way you will know what your engine is capable of before you even fire it up at the track.
Engine Dynamometers, Data Acquisition, and Testing Accessories
Stuska Dynamometers has been designing and manufacturing water brake dynamometers for more than 40 years. Combining the proven durability of the legendary Stuska absorber with cutting-edge technology like our Automatic Load Control System, Stuska is destined to have the competition seeing red. With complete in-house design, software, electronics and manufacturing, we are proud to offer the most flexible turn-key